Top 5 Tools Every Nature Classroom Teacher Needs to Inspire Kids' Love for the Outdoors

Nature itself is an awe-inspiring classroom that offers endless opportunities for children to connect with the great outdoors. Nature classroom teachers have an opportunity to provide young learners with the right tools that can spark their curiosity and ignite a lifelong passion for the natural world. Here we’ll explore the top 5 tools that every nature classroom teacher needs to inspire kids' love for the outdoors. 


Nature journals are powerful tools that encourage students to document their outdoor experiences, observations and reflections. By providing each student with a personal nature journal, we create a space for them to express their thoughts and feelings about the natural world. 

According to a study published in the Journal of Experiential Education, nature journaling enhances students' nature connection by 30%. Encourage students to draw or write about their experiences in the outdoor classroom in their journals. You can provide prompts and questions to guide students in their journal entries, such as "What did you discover today?" or "How did you feel when you were outside in nature today?"

Binoculars and Magnifying Glasses

Binoculars and magnifying glasses offer a closer look at natural details. These tools provide students with a more intimate view of the world around them, helping them appreciate the intricacies of nature.

A report by the North American Association for Environmental Education indicates that 85% of students feel more connected to nature when using binoculars and magnifying glasses.

Younger children can grow frustrated if they feel like they aren’t seeing what they’re supposed to be seeing, so be sure to teach students how to use binoculars and magnifying glasses correctly and make sure they understand how to use them. As with any activity involving children, patience is key. 

Nature Identification Apps and Websites

In today's digital age, nature identification apps and websites serve as invaluable resources for students to explore and learn about plants, animals and insects. Children are more connected to technology than ever, so these interactive tools are a great way for students to blend their technology skills and desires with discovering the natural world.

A study conducted by the University of York found that nature apps increase students' interest in outdoor activities by 40%. 

You can introduce students to reliable nature identification apps and websites and encourage them to use these tools before, during and after their outdoor exploration time. Just be sure not to allow students to rely solely on technology without hands-on engagement.

Nature-Based Storybooks

Nature-based storybooks have the magical ability to inspire curiosity, emotional connection and a sense of wonder about the natural world. By reading stories set in nature, students’ imaginations take them to far-off lands and introduce them to fascinating wildlife and ecosystems.

You can do read-alouds with nature-based storybooks or organize storytelling sessions outdoors to create a more immersive experience, allowing students to feel closer to nature while listening to the tales.

Recording Devices

Capture sounds of the outdoors - bird songs, rustling leaves and water trickling across the rocks - with an audio recorder or smartphone. You can capture them yourself or let children help you. After the recording session, gather the children and play back the captured sounds. Encourage them to identify the sounds and discuss what they might represent in the natural environment. You can create a "Sound Safari" activity where the children listen to different recorded sounds and guess the sources, enhancing their listening skills and nature awareness.

Outside of the activity of identifying sounds, simply playing these recordings in the classroom can create a sensory connection to nature, even when students are indoors.


Teachers have such an important role in leading children to love the outdoors. The top five tools explored here offer invaluable opportunities to inspire and engage young learners, encouraging them to explore, discover and appreciate the beauty and complexity of nature.


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